Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Followup on first full flip

First the facts:
  • In Sci Math, out of 18 kids, 14 watched the lesson before class. In Tech Sci math, 6 out of 8 watched. All those who didn't had technical reasons.
  • I spent the first 10-15 minutes of Sci Math class (they're the ones that have the classbog already) showing them the online latex thingy and giving them a chance to try it out (Got some really pretty posts!)
  • I spent the first 15 minutes or so showing Tech Sci math our new classblog (they haven't been blogging, but by gum, they soon will be)
  • I gave them all a chance to ask any questions they had on the lesson, and there were about as many questions on that as I usually get when I used to ask "Are there any homework questions?" which is not very many. Raph said "I had a question but then I figured it out" Aha! Must be because she had time to and she didn't have me to ask!
  • gave a few warmup questions
  • gave the assigned work - pretty standard stuff from the text
  • asked them to check their answers (This is what I expect them to do with normal homework, so why not?)
  • spent the rest of the time answering individual questions, taking kids into break out rooms individually as needed
  • had the next day's lesson and accompanying notes at the ready for anyone who finished early - only one did, but hey I was ready for him!
  • At the end of the period, I asked the blogging class to respond to my blog post called "So what did you do today?" to help me keep track of where they all are. We'll see how many remember....The non-blogging class - well, I am in the process of creating one for them at edublogs. I had totally forgotten that I created this one a year ago and abandoned it in frustration when it seemed too complex for me! A year ago!
  • theirs: Voicethread comments:
  • Juan: I really liked the idea of doing the lesson at home, and then the work in class. My only doubt would be if the lessons start getting harder, maybe we would need some help, but then again, we have class to ask. This lesson was super clear and I'm looking forward to review this lesson in class. :]
  • Kris: I agree with jaun that  the lesson was clear and i understand it very well but i would also question that when the material begins to get harder and the questions become more difficult then i may have more trouble understanding the lesson and picking up the fine bits of it but so far so good:)
  • Abigail: I found that this twist is interesting where we do lessons at home and homework in class. The lesson was well explained, I like the how miss used a format of going showing back the slide after she explained it.
    • About Abigail's comment - there is a great new feature, called M5, in voicethread, that makes using voicethread to record a lesson WAY easier. They just added it like 2 months ago. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
    • some (didn't do a full survey) found that getting through the lesson on their own went faster than our usual 50 minute class.
  • mine:
    • pretty quiet class!
    • I'm pretty busy though, answering questions that are coming in privately
    • I LOVE helping them out individually. My help feels SO much more effective, when it's delivered as needed
    • So far the kids that are asking for help are the same ones that usually do.
    • too calm somehow, and I am sure I will have to have a variety of activities in class, not just individual work, but group stuff
    • Overall, I loved it!
Final deep thought:

I am thinking tonight of all the times a kid has said to me "Miss I get it when you do it in class, but at home I just stare at it and don't even know where to begin".  I hope at least one of those kids is going to ask me for help during class and change things around.

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