Webinar Apr 20/12

Welcome! To see the webinar I gave on The Flipped Class Experience in April 2012, click here: Here you can find all 3 of the webinar media that participants were invited to watch either before, during, or after April 20. In addition, there are some examples of how I use them in flipping my classes:

1. Youtube video on googledocs: click this link or watch it right here:

Examples of gdocs: gdocs form as a checklist, gdocs form as self-correcting quiz, gdocs student collaboration

2. Voicethread on voicethread: click this link or watch it here:

Examples of voicethreads: solving linear system, graphing the polygon of constraints

3. Geogebra interactive webpage: click this link 

Examples: worksheet finding rule of various functions, demo inverse trig functions, investigation effect of parameters on various functions

Any questions, comments, or feedback are welcome! Please either leave a comment on this page, or use the more detailed form found here. You can find the powerpoint, in the form of a googledocs presentation, here, with all of the links I mentioned. With this link, you will have the ability to comment right on the gdoc version of the presentation, so please feel free.


  1. I am very interested in implementing the flipped classroom model next semester. However the georgebra links were crashing internet explorer, and I was unable to look at the site.

  2. I'm not an IT person, but I know that you need a recent version of java in order for it to work. Also, geogebra seems to work better with firefox. Hope that helps!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Thank you so much for recording this webinar. Yes, you accomplished your goal--I stopped the recording and took notes and re-watched a lot of it. I'm excited to get started planning to flip a class.

    By the way, I'm usually in bed by 9:00 but I couldn't stop watching your webinar!! Thanks again!

    1. I'm thrilled to hear this, really, you have no idea how much this means to me. I am commenting on your blog about this!

  5. Oh and it's 10:33 pm here :)
